Sunday, December 30, 2012

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Romantic Breakups Under the Sign of Pisces

I expose fake psychics, but also write articles treating other aspects of astrology. For this article I researched the timing of romantic breakups and divorce filings. They peak under the sign of Pisces. I wondered if the Sun in Pisces might encourage breakups, or if it was something else.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Horoscope Review: Call-In Psychics, the Most Pathetic Reading Ever

Heavily advertised with a colorful illustration of a gypsy and crystal ball, was co-founded by fake psychic Sylvia Browne, who disgraced herself for years on The Montel Williams Show and continues to do so entertaining at casinos. I phoned AskNow anyway to get my free 5-minute reading. The hard sell and incompetence, well, you've just got to read about it to believe it.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Diana-Numerologist and Julia-Clairvoyance: As Psychic as Aunt Jemima: Review

After 10 months on the Net with very little business, the owners of bought an email list with your name and birthdate so they could send your "Grand Study" to your mailbox free of charge. Diana's clone shares word-for-word the same biography, the same server in the Netherlands and the same fee scale. Are they really British aristocrats slumming on the Net? Sylvia checked out both Diana and Julia for quality, price, and refund policies.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Tupak Visionary Shaman Gets a Makeover

To entice you, Tupak the Visionary Shaman just a week ago changed his clothes, pose, look, personality and name (to "George Tupak") and re-did his website because he wasn't getting your business. See and compare the old and new Tupak homepages to see how an online fake-psychic business tries harder to make you shell out. A unique lesson in business gimmickry. You can also vote there on which Tupak you prefer.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Would You Love a Free Birth Chart & Personality Profile?

I found the 5 best websites offering instant free birth (natal) horoscope charts and interpretations and tested them for truth and accuracy. None of them require registration or your email address; just input your birth date, place and time, and see what they say. They make the classic Western zodiac horoscope charts. Hope they enlighten and fascinate you.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Online "Psychics" Have New Ripoff Tactics: Here's What They Are

Thanks to consumer pressure, the eight biggest fake-psychic websites are losing money and so are changing their ways. In the past year they've begun protesting negative online reviews, improving customer service, updating their look, modifying their names and claims, and much more. Don't be fooled by the latest sophistications flaunted by "Norah," "Jenna," "Tupak," "Gabriella," "Zoradamus" and others. Fleecing the people with fake astrology and fake clairvoyance is still their business.

Thank you for being part of the force for consumer awareness!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Tupak, Visionary Shaman: A Review

He's young, handsome, and says he will tell you the truth whether you like it or not. He's also the newest online-psychic bot on the block and more sophisticated. Tupak claims Native American descent and predicts you'll win millions in lotteries and find true love if you stick with his costly services. What will you get from Tupak? See a review of Tupak, Visionary Shaman. (By the way, he's recently got a new name and new look; compare the "old" and "new" Tupaks here.)

Friday, June 8, 2012

3 Best Videos of the Transit of Venus

If you missed the rare Transit of Venus on June 5-6, or want to experience it again, I've collected 3 good videos, all under 3 minutes long. You can make your choice. Enjoy this celestial event!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Meaning of the Rare Transit of Venus, June 5-6, 2012

For the first time since 1882 and the final time until 2117, the planet Venus will cross between the earth and sun, allowing us to watch (using eye protection, as with a solar eclipse) the planet travel across the sun's face. Astronomers will be watching and astrologers will be pondering the meaning as the transit occurs at 15 degrees of Gemini. Find out how and whether you'll be able to witness this once-in-a-lifetime sky event, where to watch it via webcam, what events the Transit of Venus has brought in past epochs, and what it might bring us for the rest of this century. The article on the Transit of Venus is well-researched by Sylvia Sky, who's also been following the forty-day Venus retrograde that occurs every 18 months and continues until June 25.

Fun Predictions for the 2012 Venus Transit Aftermath

  • Some astrologers say that the transit of Venus can bring your soulmate, but Venus is always in retrograde during its solar transit, so it is more likely that soon after the transit, individuals will see a current or former relationship in a different light.
  • Understanding foreign languages and "accents" will soon be solved by instant-translation technologies.
  • Cars in 2011 can already park themselves; they will soon drive themselves (while we are texting or putting on makeup).
  • Lotteries will offer as their prize not millions of dollars but health care for life.
  • Colleges will replace basic English and math classes with online self-paced learning.
  • Instead of measuring intelligence or skills, public schools will measure loyalty. They will teach not in classrooms but by requiring students to check in at different locations and workplaces.
  • Child labor laws will be amended for children who want to work. Adults will retire from working much earlier than they do now; perhaps will be required to do so.
  • School applicants will describe not what they want to do after graduation but the scientific or social problem they intend to use their school years to solve. If they don't solve this problem, they must pay tuition. Schools will own the patents or copyrights on students' school-related work.
  • Human body parts for transplants will be globally traded and shipped until "intelligent" implantable body parts such as artificial kidneys are invented.
  • Corporations will pay college expenses for students who agree to be groomed as their future employees.
  • Electronic books will contain commercials. Large publishers will issue mainly books with computer-written content fully approved by their mega-corporation. All other books will be sold in specialized shops, or by authors selling them door-to-door to buyers who want books written by human beings, not computers.
  • In the U.S., artistic creativity will be a rare skill and outsourced to other countries.
  • Poetry will become a popular entertainment form and a global political force.
  • Personal health will be continually monitored and we will be penalized or fined for not exercising or for eating unapproved foods.
  • Wireless communications and media devices will be implantable in ears and brains and "telepathic" communication will become possible.
  • Powerful new female leaders will empower marginalized and poor women.
  • A global communications or technological disaster will open up entirely new business, educational, and technology fields and lead to higher consciousness and a different set of values.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Can You Sue a Psychic and Win? Recent Rulings

A psychic promised to bring a husband back, and didn't, so the client sued. Another psychic persuaded 100 people to sign over $6 million in cash because he said he could time the stock market. Can you get punitive damages for pain and suffering if a psychic is wrong or exploits you? Recent rulings against psychic operations big and small are discussed in this article. From these you can predict for yourself the likelihood of winning money and damages.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

How To Get Refunds from Psychic Scammers and Bots

Of the six biggest Internet psychics who con thousands of people every day, which ones offer money-back guarantees -- and which ones don't? Can you claim a refund? And here's what to do when a robot "psychic" like Norah Astro-Clairvoyant makes unauthorized charges on your credit card. Click here to read it.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

When Scorpios Go Bad

Passionate Scorpios need to create soap operas to feel as if they're alive. The negative ones boil bunnies. Then they destroy themselves. Quite a movie. Learn to identify a negative Scorpio.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

True Horoscopes and Finding Psychics: Your Questions Answered

How much will a real horoscope cost? Can I find a real psychic on the Internet? Sylvia Sky of Horoscope Review answers 20 of the most commonly asked questions about astrologers, horoscopes, clairvoyants, psychics, and tarot card readers. Click here.

Horoscope App Review: "Horoscope Plus"

You have time to read only one daily horoscope. With the "Horoscope Plus" free app, you can share your daily forecast, which could be fun. But will you want to? Click here to read a full review of a truly stinky smartphone app.