Friday, March 22, 2013

The Grand Cross: Is It Bad Luck for Life?

I've found two celebs born under the so-called scariest aspect in natal astrology: The Grand Cross or Grand Square. A third celeb almost had a Grand Cross in her chart. Too bad she didn't. She might have had more focus and willpower. Birth horoscope chart analyses of Steve Jobs, Miles Davis and his almost-birthday-twin Marilyn Monroe. The natal Grand Cross is a supportive structure. Don't fear it.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Positive Energy: Real Astrologers Who Write Daily Horoscopes

Instead of reviewing another psychic or horoscope scam, let me present you instead with a list of 12 genuine astrologers who write genuine daily horoscopes you can find on the Net. I've corresponded with several of them. Some of them also offer additional services.