Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Ganeshaspeaks.com: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly
If Vedic astrological principles and predictions are strange to you, there is more than enough Western-style or "zodiac" astrology on on the site so that those who never heard of Rahu and Ketu can skip it and still experience the site's generosity and richness. The Vedic stuff is always there should you want to check it out. Although the daily and weekly zodiac scopes are brief, in my experience they have proven to be right on the mark and very pleasant reading. Because it's generated in India, if you live in North America be sure to consult your daily Ganeshaspeaks.com readings in the early half of your day, because at about noon the next day's horoscope will be posted and there are no archives. I happen to like looking a day ahead at what Ganesha is planning for me.
Make a visit to GaneshaSpeaks.com and see for yourself. Three and a half stars out of five.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Eastrolog.com: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Annual
"The results of your efforts at work over the last period of time will start showing. You will have the opportunity to assert yourself in society, but the tense atmosphere around you will not work in your favour.
You are advised to avoid meeting with friends today, for you might easily be involved in a quarrel.
You'd better avoid driving today, for you are prone to causing an accident."
Good to know. However, about half the time Eastrolog sounds like a Chinese menu. For example:
"Aquarius’ Love & Relationships Horoscope In July 2010
In your relational life there are two significant directions: one of them highlights shared intellectual preoccupations and communication, and the other highlights an increase of the interest in sexuality, not for the pleasure in itself, but for the influence it can have on the harmony in the couple.
The conclusion can be that July 2010 might be an excellent month to discuss with the partner various aspects of eroticism, maybe even have an update of the knowledge in the field."
Dragu knows what's going on in the sky, but Eastrolog is not good counsel for a casual horoscope fan or one who needs guidance more complex or nuanced. Dragu is a professional translator and it sounds as if the "Love and Relationship" scope above was run through translation software. Nonetheless I check Eastrolog occasionally, particularly when I'm impatient to read "tomorrow's" horoscope. Two stars out of five.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Georgia Nicols: Daily, Weekly
Daily forecasts for all 12 signs appear on her homepage, www.georgianicols.com, and that page links also to her forecasts for "yesterday" and "tomorrow"--a feature I love, offered by too few astrologers.
Nicols appears to be unique among popular astrologers in attending to "moon void" periods. To greatly simplify, I will explain: The moon changes zodiac signs every two days. When it's between one sign and the next it is said "the moon is void-of-course," and it can remain so for a couple of minutes to several hours. Astrological tradition has it that "nothing will come" of plans hatched under a void-of-course moon: first dates may fizzle, meetings end in stalemates, and major purchases prove unsatisfactory. At the very least, confusion is likely. Nicols' warning is limited to (example from July 18, 2010): "Avoid shopping or making important decisions from 10:15 a.m. until 2 p.m. EDT today." She adds, "After that, the Moon moves from Libra into Scorpio." Those were facts, which is more than you can read in some daily horoscopes.
In my experience, the "moon-void" effect is real. If you're not in the Eastern Daylight time zone (EDT), correct for it and you will have your own personal "moon void" consultant in Georgia Nicols. I find her "moon-void" note the most useful thing about her horoscope.
Nicols offers Sun-sign forecasts for the calendar year for $11.95, donating 90 percent of the receipts to a Tibetan refugee school in Nepal.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Michael Lutin's Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscopes, Plus More
Find Lutin's "Next Week in Review" scopes -- for all twelve signs -- through the menu buttons on the left. They usually are refreshed late Monday or early Tuesday. I take them seriously. Lutin's "Your Monthly" predictions are a single paragraph, except for the sign concurrent with the Sun, and not as helpful. My bookmark is on the Daily Fix.
On the homepage's right side are the premium offerings. For $15 Mikey will email you his interpretation of, say, Saturn leaving Virgo for Libra and what it will mean to your Sun sign. I ordered one and felt it was not worth $15. For free, and to get a sense of who Michael Lutin is, see his five-minute YouTube video on Pluto in Capricorn. He believes it means "you're (all of us) under surveillance," and "the party's over" -- and he's so right. Four stars out of five.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Who is Sylvia?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Monthly: Astrologyzone.com
Miller offers daily horoscopes by email for $4.95, and I'm tempted, but by searching I thought I'd found a place where I could read them for free. I was wrong. When writing monthly forecasts Miller will refer to the reader, distinctively, as "dear Aquarius" (or "dear Virgo," or whatever). I'd found a daily scope that used the "dear" and sounded so much like Miller I was convinced. But Miller assures me that those are not her scopes; they are the work of imitators.
One year I ordered Miller's wall calendar but did not like the dark and swampish New Age paintings that served as their illustrations. But Susan Miller, astrologer, has my total respect and -- trust me -- that's saying a lot. Five stars out of five, especially for those two-thousand-word monthly scopes!