Advertised as "Canada's most popular astrologer," Georgia Nicols is a former theater critic who's got a way with snappy one-liners and sassy innuendo. Her daily forecasts score high on entertainment value. Based in Vancouver, Nicols writes a daily horoscope that appears online and in many Canadian newspapers, and offers a free weekly column by email. Her monthly columns appear in magazines such as Elle.
Daily forecasts for all 12 signs appear on her homepage,, and that page links also to her forecasts for "yesterday" and "tomorrow"--a feature I love, offered by too few astrologers.
Nicols appears to be unique among popular astrologers in attending to "moon void" periods. To greatly simplify, I will explain: The moon changes zodiac signs every two days. When it's between one sign and the next it is said "the moon is void-of-course," and it can remain so for a couple of minutes to several hours. Astrological tradition has it that "nothing will come" of plans hatched under a void-of-course moon: first dates may fizzle, meetings end in stalemates, and major purchases prove unsatisfactory. At the very least, confusion is likely. Nicols' warning is limited to (example from July 18, 2010): "Avoid shopping or making important decisions from 10:15 a.m. until 2 p.m. EDT today." She adds, "After that, the Moon moves from Libra into Scorpio." Those were facts, which is more than you can read in some daily horoscopes.
In my experience, the "moon-void" effect is real. If you're not in the Eastern Daylight time zone (EDT), correct for it and you will have your own personal "moon void" consultant in Georgia Nicols. I find her "moon-void" note the most useful thing about her horoscope.
Nicols offers Sun-sign forecasts for the calendar year for $11.95, donating 90 percent of the receipts to a Tibetan refugee school in Nepal.
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