Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Horoscope Review: Da Juana Byrd's Texas Blandscopes at Dailyhoroscopes.com

Texan Da Juana Byrd, Professional Psychic and Medium, claims that a near-death experience in 1980 let her see and hear ghosts and angels. If that's true, there would seem to be no need for her websites to offer also a dozen game-like oracles, including the "click here" I Ching, runes, numerology, and advice on choosing puppy names. There's astrology, too; the direct link is dailyhoroscopes.com. A tab for "Grandchildren" on Byrd's blog hints to me that her site appeals to older readers who used to take questions and worries to their pastors. Today such readers want a choice of answers, all of them nice and safe, and Byrd's sites let them shop for a whole buffet of answers, mostly for free and well worth their price.

Regarding dailyhoroscopes.com, one must first sincerely admire Byrd for having bought and held that URL at least since 1993. Registering on the site's homepage and then confirming the link gets you a free natal horoscope chart and a basic personality reading. Not perfect, this is still one of the Net's better "instant horoscope" offers, computerized but not fake. For accurate results enter your birth time as Greenwich Mean Time. If you don't know what that is, good luck. Furthermore you are now on Byrd's email list. Like most horoscope providers, C & D Byrd Enterprises -- phone psychics, astrology and all -- is a business: Here's its corporate homepage.

But on to Byrd's daily scopes. They are awfully nice and lavender-scented. Excerpt from the daily Leo scope, Sept. 27: "Later this afternoon, you enjoy a little work in the yard; it may be time to plant or prepare for a fall garden." From the Cancer scope, Sept. 20: "Perhaps you and your friends can enjoy a little bicycle trip through the park or around the neighborhood." From Virgo, Sept. 3: "You enjoy the sunset, or an evening walk with a loved one." Please note, however, that Byrd's site allows access to past forecasts, a useful feature if you want to see how wrong they were.

I was once a fan of Byrd's daily horoscopes. As I recall, Byrd and the site were more astrology-centered, and navigation was simpler. Finding the current day's forecast at dailyhoroscopes.com is easy, but tomorrow's requires a click, scrolling through a long list of links, and another click. This interface cries out for redesign. Accuracy? The homepage says the forecasts are composed using charts plus numerology. Real astrologers don't need numerology to supplement real charts. On the corporate website, Byrd's astrologers are called "psychic astrologers." That too is unpromising as an indicator of accuracy. One star out of five for entertainment value.

Sylvia Sky, experienced astrologer, monitors 70-plus online horoscope sites for authenticity and accuracy. Click here to see more horoscope reviews. Copyright 2010 by Sylvia Sky.

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