Saturday, August 27, 2011

Six Proofs that Zoradamus, Psychic Prophet, Is a Fake

Zoradamus, claiming to be a descendant of a prophet, knows your name, email address and birthday. Now how did she do that?


  1. zoradamus also uses email address

  2. Hi I also get a strong feeling that this is a man who is a parasite and we should send loving light energy, which he is not able to function in thus protecting ourselves and still giving him grace to evolve. He serves a purpose and that is to trust in your own love of selve and to remind us all that we are bright powerful beautiful human beings, we always have been, and always will be, we sometimes choose not to be and it okay.

  3. Zoradamus, much like Tara (another name for the same person?) is accurate enough to be using some kind of psychic tools. Astrology alone might give clues enough but it seems unlikely that the things "she" says can be arrived at without some kind of psychic ability. This makes the hook much more powerful.
    Does anyone feel like the free reading touched on enough truth for the rest of the message to be frightening?

    1. What is the value in having a "psychic" tell you "truths" you already know? What the Zoradamus "bot" does is send messages vague enough to apply to anyone: "You are a person of high moral and values" or "Love is important in your life" or "people close to you have disappointed you." If this kind of thing "wows" you, you have something to learn about consumer psychology.

    2. I just received an e-mail from this so called psychic, thought it was funny to read that he or she knows me by my name an date of birth, funny thing is ---- i set up a fake name and a fake date of birth that coincidentally does not add up to the corresponding day and year .......They didn't know that did they ;)

      EPIC FAIL !!!

    3. I was highly encouraged to get this special ritual and a special report, but the year that report was written for was for 2012 and here now is September 2013! Ah, too lazy to change the date? Easier just to make us think she is real?

  4. Don't trust zoradamus it's all fake what she tells you , so don't reply to her emails !


  6. well i had an email off the late tara medium havent herd of here for ages she gave me a set of lucky numbers and lo behold i did win money with them ????? now was that fate was it her genius work or was it just pure luck on my behalf

    1. It was you believing you would win money. So you did. It actually had nothing to do with a fake medium like Tara... although she helped you believe it (so perhaps not so bad in the whole scheme of things). Hope can be a powerful thing.

  7. Initiatially she asks several key questions that anyone can ask and pretty much use that info to "seem" to know ones life. Money questions naturally will assume someone needs it. I went under a totally fake name "Fartz R" and this brilliant psychic was so good she didn't know it was made up, proving Zora is nothing more than a bot. Then after her first response she makes claims that she can bring you good fortune and turn your luck around. With each email she adds more guilt, even giving the impression she has become puzzled that after all of her hard work you show your thanks by not using her pay service. 20/20 needs to do an investigative report exposing Ms. Zoradamus as a complete phony.

  8. thnxfor the info ppl! I almost fell for it!!!! :)so I decided to look zora up and stumbled here!!!!

  9. I already fell for the bait.I tried paying something online.Which stated that I shouldnt tell anyone about her serevice that she would be providing to me.And then from that point noticed that there was a option at the bottom of the page after trying a online transaction.So then I clicked and then sent $15.00 and a letter to her after beliving that I could recieve help.So basicly I haven't recieved any reply or letter back found out that she is a scam now.After seeing her speak on the History Channel about drawings of Nastrodamus. :(

  10. He or she, who ever it is, is a cruel human being. My son contacted her just for something to do. She kept pestering him with e-mails with titles such as "you have only two days left", "You will soon be beyond help" My son became very disturbed through all this, thinking this idiot had some sort of hold over him. Thankfully that is all behind him. I,m very wealthy, so to cut things short, i investigated this "man" found out who he is"Sam Coben" ha-ha trust me, he is as much an astrologer as mystic Meg. Please ignore him, he is a very sad little man

  11. Yes people BEWARE of this fake!.. She promises the earth and then asks for money!.. Don't bother sending a reply email stating why you don't want her help cause within a few days she sends you a nasty email along with a virus to crash your computer.. BEWARE!!!!!!!!!

  12. I also had emails from Tara a few years out of the blue Zara starts contacting me saying finally I have found you. This was followed with 5 emails from her guilt ridden. Telling me not to listen to others that only she knew me and my Future. LMAO!!!!!!!! as I too fed her with false information. As if I would really buy into her or his BS!!!!!!
    People Beware this is a parasite !!!! of the lowest find. Believe in yourself and your own wisdom as we all have the answers just gotta believe.

  13. After reading all your coments I am a sucker . I sent the 9.95 but I promise that it won't happen again ever. Thank you so much everyone :>

  14. Great news for every one
    well as a helpful advice from me to you i did something so awsome to this zora creature that it makes me laugh although probably a bad thing on my part any who
    i went through many programming and really know that this is not a person but a bot the person picture is a fake actually mostly with all of them so don't used the service I've sent fake info also like fake names and stuff yes i got replies and all fake crap anywho this a turd so don't listen just chunk it into spam ok thanks for reading enjoy you zora tara free life

  15. I stupidly fell for this scam. I sent her too much money to even list, hoping that I would get something in return. I haven't won anything and my life of unemployment and food stamps has not changed. I sent her money before all that happened. She also tries to get you by reducing the amount you have to send her. First, it's a small amount of $49.95 and then after you don't respond for a while, it changes to $29.95. I just received a new one from her saying I only had 48 hours to reply or the supreme forces would never hear me again. I should have looked her up way before now. Feeling very foolish!!

  16. hi im so glad i came across this site.had been feeling low shortly after my father passed away and i clicked onto zoras web page.she pleasant at the start but then when i wouldnt pay she has started sending nasty emails i read the first 1 but now i just delete them.she left me feeling please STAY AWAY.we really shud just let the future happen without contacting these phoney people.

  17. Thank you people I was about to pay this Zoradamus because he/she sent me an email today that he/she is going to send me 13 lucky numbers because today (the 13 September 2013) is a lucky day for me. He told me ill be a millionaire!

  18. Think you only have two fake psychics or whatever, also be aware of Bethea Jenner....promises you the world but you need this tallisman or pendant to help you through this tough times. Ask a specific question, you will not get any answers....just more stuff she is trying to sell to you.

  19. I don't mean to be rude or cruel but how are people stupid enough to fall for this crap! Gabriella tried getting me but I knew instantly she was a fake, especially when she sent me an email (one of several) within 24 hours of me submitting my email address, telling me she's dissapointed I havn't responded to her after WEEKS of her trying to make contact! Haha psychics must have a different concept of time...the point is there are clues straight away, so look for them!

  20. do not respond to a zora she is afake i am embarace that i fall for her crap

  21. She's available not just in English, but also in French (and probably in other languages?). I'm originally francophone, and I once, for fun, shared my email with her for a free reading. It's been 3 years now, even if I unsubscribed from her crap, she is harassing me. And when I say harassing, it's really harassing and bullying. Today she sent me a mail, telling me that I'm causing her "esoteric harassment" (that's the way she put it: harcèlement ésotérique), because I keep ignoring her messages... Stupid messages that tell you that she sees you can win the jackpot, or that you'll find love (I'm already in a happy relationship, lol!!!), etc... The other funny thing is that they post the same messages to all people, and they just change names, but sometimes they forget to put the names, like when you receive a mail from her starting with "Dear Taurus", etc. Should we report this to the or go to the local authorities to make a complaint? How do we stop these scammers from sending us spam and harassment mails?

  22. (S)he's a nasty piece of work! Whatever makes it think it can even rise to cliche level (win friends/influence people) by bullying and malignant emails? Horrible. Pagan. Evil, even.

    Furthermore, as someone else pointed out above ... if it really were psychic, it would know when it gets false names and dates. Furthermore, it would know that people don't have the money to waste on it.

  23. Well, I was about to subscribe a modest fee to Zora not so long ago as she had claimed that all these millions were awaiting me behind this secret door! I had a problem!..... I had no money what,s so ever. That,s what I told her, but I had an idea. I suggested to my new found friend that if she unlocked the door for me to all these millions, I would more than gladly to split all this money equally with her. To date she has taken up my offer, so I,m still waiting. I think that was a good deal, what do you think?

  24. This person is not only a fake but a con artist. DO NOT SEND ANY MONEY. There will be no service, no reply and no refund. Absolute scam, keep away. I've been conned out of money by her/ this company. Never again

  25. Does she say you have a curse?? That is what she keeps saying
